Sugar consumption and children’s oral health on Halloween


Halloween is a holiday full of fun, costumes and, above all, candy. However, behind the excitement of collecting treats, there is a risk to oral health that we cannot ignore, especially when we talk about the little ones in the house. At Axis Dental we join in your work of informing your patients about the effects of sugar on the oral health of the little ones. To do this, in this blog we leave some information about this festival and its traditions.

How much sugar do children consume on Halloween?

During Halloween, a child can consume a kilo of candy, which is equivalent to about 3 cups of sugar or 220 sugar packets. This is an alarming figure since the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that children should consume no more than 37 grams of sugar per day (about nine teaspoons). Just one small strawberry candy can contain up to 4 grams of sugar!

Excess sugar consumption has direct effects on children’s dental health. When sweets are consumed, sugar reacts with bacteria present in the mouth, producing acids that attack tooth enamel, increasing the risk of cavities. In fact, a child who frequently consumes sugar may be at high risk of developing cavities before the age of three. Additionally, dental plaque begins to form just 20 minutes after consuming sugar, so immediate cleaning is crucial to prevent damage.

Halloween Axis Dental dentista azucar

Además de las caries, un consumo elevado de azúcar puede llevar a problemas dentales como la erosión del esmalte, hipersensibilidad dental y, a largo plazo, incluso enfermedad periodontal. Estos problemas son prevenibles si se cuida la higiene bucal y se modera el consumo de dulces.

Tips for your patients to enjoy Halloween without damaging their teeth

These are some tips you can give your patients to avoid excess sugar at this party.

  1. Invite moderate consumption of candy: Although Halloween is a special night, limiting the number of candy children consume is important. The general recommendation is to consume no more than 5-6 small treats.
    Remember the need for frequent brushing: Children must brush their teeth at least three times a day: after breakfast, 30 minutes after lunch, and before bed. Each brushing should last three minutes.
  2. Recommend your patients not to eat sticky sweets:  Candies and gummies that stick to your teeth are the most dangerous, since the sugar stays in the mouth longer, increasing the risk of cavities.
  3. Suggest drinking water:  Drinking water after consuming sweets helps eliminate traces of sugar and keeps the mouth hydrated, reducing the risk of cavities.
  4. Remind your patients of the importance of taking care of baby teeth. Baby teeth are essential for children’s development, not only for chewing but also for the proper development of their jaw, to guide permanent teeth into their correct position. Cavities in baby teeth can affect the eruption of permanent teeth and cause pain and health problems.

Estos son algunos de los datos más curiosos sobre Halloween:

  • El origen de Halloween se remonta a hace 6.000 años cuando los celtas celebraban el Samhain
  • Halloween es la segunda fiesta más comercial de EE.UU, sólo por detrás de la Navidad. Se calcula que en este país se gastan en torno a 7.000 millones de dólares en fiestas, golosinas y disfraces.
  • El promedio de dulces consumidos por un estadounidense en Halloween es de 1,27 kilos.
  • Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial el truco o trato se prohibió en EE.UU. debido al racionamiento de azúcar.

Halloween can be a time full of fun for children, but it is also essential that as professionals we increase our efforts to prevent the negative effects of excessive sugar consumption on their smiles. At Axis Dental, we believe that educating families and encouraging healthy habits is key to minimizing the impact of this holiday on children’s oral health.

At Axis Dental we are always attentive to the needs of the more than 10,000 dental clinics with which we work, to support them both in their work to raise awareness about oral health and to listen to their needs for dental material that fits the treatments they perform.