Entries by AXIS DENTAL

Sugar consumption and children’s oral health on Halloween

By 2025, the dental industry will continue to be at the forefront of technology and patient care, incorporating methods and resources that will transform the conventional approach. In this article we highlight five key trends that have a major impact on the management and perception of oral health. These innovations are crucial for any professional […]

Sugar consumption and children’s oral health on Halloween

  Halloween is a holiday full of fun, costumes and, above all, candy. However, behind the excitement of collecting treats, there is a risk to oral health that we cannot ignore, especially when we talk about the little ones in the house. At Axis Dental we join in your work of informing your patients about the […]

Bring your patients back in Autumn: oral health and the change of season

As the summer months transition into Autumn, it is an opportune time for dentists to remind their patients of the importance of scheduling a checkup. Autumn marks the perfect season for people to recommit to their oral health and address any concerns before the year ends. By encouraging patients to book a checkup, dentists can […]

Suupplier at the II SCOE 2024 Prosthetics Symposium

On June 20 and 21, 2024, Axis Dental was present as a dental equipment supplier at the II SCOE Prosthesis Symposium, organized by Scoe in Barcelona and attended by leading dentistry professionals. Two intense days of conferences and practical workshops, with the interventions of reference figures in the sector such as Ernest Mallat, Alex Urpi, […]

How Mothers should take care of their oral health after pregnancy

As a dentist, you play a crucial role in helping new moms take care of their oral health after pregnancy. Pregnancy and childbirth can cause changes in a woman’s body, including her oral health. That’s why it’s important to provide guidance and advice to new moms to help them maintain good oral hygiene habits and […]

Strategies for dentists: how to minimize fear of pain in patients

Pain is a universal experience that we have all experienced at some point in our lives. In an effort to increase awareness about pain and the ways in which it can be relieved, World Pain Day is celebrated every October 17th, and its main objective is to raise awareness about pain and encourage its proper […]

Uses and maintenance of dental burs: a reminder from Axis Dental

  It happens to both children and adults. We return to work after the summer break, and it seems that we still need to remember everything!   It is also understandable that with the speed and dynamics of work, dental professionals delve into caring for their patients with hardly any space in which to review […]

Axis Dental presents a new PURE Pen Kit

Axis Dental, a Swiss dental instrument manufacturer since 1998, launches its new PURE Pen 16% at-home teeth whitening kit this month. Our dentists can already experience a more efficient and comfortable teeth whitening experience, thanks to the innovative improvements implemented. New LED lamp The great novelty of this launch is the redesign of the LED […]

Axis Dental presents its latest innovations at the Bulmedica fair in Bulgaria

This month we participated in the prestigious Bulmedica fair, held in Sofia, in the Bulgarian capital. The event was attended by our delegates in Switzerland as well as Axis Dental representatives in Bulgaria, where the company has an established headquarters. The Bulmedica fair brought together leading international companies related to the medical equipment, pharmacy, health, […]