Suupplier at the II SCOE 2024 Prosthetics Symposium

On June 20 and 21, 2024, Axis Dental was present as a dental equipment supplier at the II SCOE Prosthesis Symposium, organized by Scoe in Barcelona and attended by leading dentistry professionals.

Two intense days of conferences and practical workshops, with the interventions of reference figures in the sector such as Ernest Mallat, Alex Urpi, Albert Verd, and Salvador Gallardo, who presented the most current practices in dentistry in front of nearly 200 participants. Axis Dental was the supplier of the dental equipment used during the practical workshops of these conferences, through our dental drill kits and our user guides. It was a pleasure to be able to share these workshops with this large group of professionals and to see how our products contribute to the training of dentists. In addition, a representative delegation from our company answered questions from participants at our stand, where we were also able to present our complete range of dental rotary burs, dental polishers, posts and teeth whitening treatments.

If you have any questions about our products or were unable to attend, please do not hesitate to contact us today.

Scoe Axis Dental Mallat Verd odontologia