Entradas de] AXIS DENTAL

Axis Dental present at the IDEM 2022 international dental fair in Singapore

Axis Dental participated as an exhibitor at the biennial international dental fair IDEM, held in Singapore between October 7th and 9th. As part of a conglomerate of Swiss companies in the sector, and with our founding partners Jean-Paul Berclaz and Dominique Rahm  leading our stand, we have had the opportunity to present our products to […]

Tungsten Carbide Burs: comfortable, effective and innovative

The development of an innovative design to solve all the problems that existed with Tungsten Carbide has been one of the great successes of Axis Dental. Thanks to the characteristics of the tungsten carbide selected by Axis Dental, the cutting effect of our burs is several times higher than a standard steel bur. The active […]

Precision for Maximum Efficacy: Ultrasonic Scalers

We are very proud of the work we have put into the development of our range of Ultrasound Scalers, an essential instrument for the dentist in the development of prophylaxis, implant cleaning and periodontics, among others. Thanks to the rigorous precision of the connection and the exact shape of the tip, these instruments allow professional […]

Recortando tejidos blandos: Fresas dentales de cerámica “CSTT”

En el mundo de las fresas dentales encontramos una amplia variedad de formas, referencias y materiales. Es importante conocer las particularidades y fortalezas de cada una para elegir el tipo de fresa que se ajusta a las necesidades concretas del dentista. Las fresas dentales de cerámica “CSTT” son la solución ideal para modelación de tejidos blandos con un efecto […]

¿Cuándo se crearon las primeras fresas dentales?

Las fresas dentales son utilizadas a diario en la clínica dental, tanto para tallar, pulir la superficie dental y eliminar el tejido cariado, y ya que generan vibraciones y calor, suelen utilizarse luego de aplicar la anestesia local en la zona a ser tratada. El conocimiento de estos instrumentos desde el punto de vista de […]